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It's a deadly rotten LD thrown in anger by its owner!
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Database found 92 titles on query:  ULV31* Browse:  [1]  [2]  [3]    [MAX]
 Reference   Title                     Specs  Released   Video   Country 
ULV3100 Butcher (1984)LBX/BilingualNTSCHong Kong 
ULV3102 To Be Number One: Part 1 (1991)LBX/SRDNTSCHong Kong 
ULV3103 To Be Number One: Part 2 (1991)LBX/SRDNTSCHong Kong 
ULV3104 Forbidden Arsenal (Di xia bing gong chang) (1991)P&S/Bilingual1991NTSCHong Kong 
ULV3105 Will of Iron (1991)P&S/Bilingual1991NTSCHong Kong 
ULV3107 Tantana, The (1991)LBX/BilingualNTSCHong Kong 
ULV3108 Island of Fire (1990)LBX/BilingualNTSCHong Kong 
ULV3109 Angry Ranger (1991)LBX/BilingualNTSCHong Kong 
ULV3110 Roar of the Vietnamese, The (1991)LBX/Bilingual1991NTSCHong Kong 
ULV3111 Gigolo and Whore (1991)LBX/BilingualNTSCHong Kong 
ULV3112 Sea Wolves (1991)P&S/BilingualNTSCHong Kong 
ULV3113 Action in Border (1991)BilingualNTSCHong Kong 
ULV3114 Slickers vs Killers (Chi xian zhen bian ren) (1991)LBX/Bilingual1991NTSCHong Kong 
ULV3115 Scheming Wonders (1991)LBX/BilingualNTSCHong Kong 
ULV3116 Hanky Panky HusbandLBX/BilingualNTSCHong Kong
ULV3117 Iron & Silk (1990)P&SNTSCHong Kong 
ULV3118 Yesterday Once More (1992)BilingualNTSCHong Kong 
ULV3119 His Fatal Way (1991)BilingualNTSCHong Kong 
ULV3120 Temptation Summary II (1991)LBXNTSCHong Kong 
ULV3121 Guys in Ghost's Hand (Gui zheng ren) (1991)LBX/Bilingual1991NTSCHong Kong 
ULV3122 Devil and Master (1991)LBX/Bilingual1991NTSCHong Kong 
ULV3123 Queen of Gambler (1991)LBX/BilingualNTSCHong Kong 
ULV3125 Feud Within the Truth (1991)BilingualNTSCHong Kong 
ULV3126 Hidden Desire (1991)LBX/BilingualNTSCHong Kong 
ULV3128 Truth of a Killer, The (1992)Bilingual1992NTSCHong Kong 
ULV3129 Powerful Four (1992)LBX/BilingualNTSCHong Kong 
ULV3130 Sex and Zen (Yu pu tuan zhi: Tou qing bao jian) (1991)LBXNTSCHong Kong 
ULV3131 Saviour of the Soul (Firefox) (1992)LBX/SRD/Bilingual1993NTSCHong Kong 
ULV3132 Inspector Pink Dragon (1991)LBXNTSCHong Kong 
ULV3133 My Wife's Lover (Tai tai de qing ren) (1992)P&S/Bilingual/+CAVNTSCHong Kong 
ULV3134 Curse of the Zombi (1991)LBX/Bilingual1992NTSCHong Kong 
ULV3135 Sisters of the World Unite (1991)LBX/BilingualNTSCHong Kong 
ULV3136 Kid from Tibet, A (1992)LBX/BilingualNTSCHong Kong 
ULV3137 Cry Killer (1992)P&S/BilingualNTSCHong Kong
ULV3138 Total Destruction (1990)LBX/BilingualNTSCHong Kong 
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