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v4.5.1 / 2024-07-12 
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Database found 337 titles on query:  40* Browse:  [1]  [2]  [3]  [4]  [5]  [6]  [7]  [8]  [9]  [10]    [MAX]
 Reference   Title                     Specs  Released   Video   Country 
400 AS Journey of Natty Gann, The (1985)P&S/ANA1986NTSCUSA 
40001 Wizard of Oz, The (1939)MONOPALUnited Kingdom 
40001 Doctor Detroit (1983)P&S/ANA1983NTSCUSA 
40002 Spartacus (1960)P&S/SRD/ANA1985-05NTSCUSA 
4000257 Badlands (1984)ANA/CAVLD-ROMJapan
40004 Suddenly, Last Summer (1959)MONO1984NTSCUSA 
40006 Hanover Street (1979)MONONTSCUSA 
40008 Psycho II (1983)P&S/SRD/ANA1983NTSCUSA 
40008 Psycho II (1983)P&S/SRD1992-11-11NTSCUSA 
40009 Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1955)NTSCUSA 
40009 Night at the Opera, A (1935)MONO1981PALUnited Kingdom 
40009 Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1955)ANA1987-06NTSCUSA 
40012 Going Berserk (1983)P&S/ANA1983NTSCUSA 
40013 Coma (1978)MONOPALUnited Kingdom 
40013 Smokey and the Bandit Part 3 (1983)P&S/ANA1983NTSCUSA 
40014 Lonely Guy, The (1984)P&S/ANA1984-06NTSCUSA 
40015 Spoilers, The: Encore Edition (1942)ANA/+CAV1986-09NTSCUSA 
40016 Avalanche (1978)MONO1982NTSCUSA 
40016 War Wagon, The (1967)P&S/ANA1987-07NTSCUSA 
40016 City of Lost Children, The (1995)LBX/SRD1996-08-06NTSCUSA 
40017 American Werewolf in London, An (1981)P&S/ANA1983NTSCUSA 
40018 Endless Love (1981)P&S/ANA1983NTSCUSA 
40019 Tom and Jerry Cartoon FestivalPALUnited Kingdom
40019 Tom & Jerry (1982)MONOPALUnited Kingdom
40020Continental Divide (1983) <== TITLE PENDING VALIDATIONNTSCUSA 
40020 Continental Divide (1981)P&S1991-08-15NTSCUSA 
40022 My Tutor (1983)ANA1983NTSCUSA 
40026 Battletruck (Warlords of the 21st Century) (1982)P&S/MONO1983NTSCUSA 
4003-80 Carnal Knowledge (1971)P&S/ANA1981NTSCUSA 
40030 Mummy, The: Encore Edition (1932)ANA/+CAV1986-03NTSCUSA 
40031 Wolf Man, The (1941)ANA/+CAV1988NTSCUSA 
40031 Wolf Man, The: Encore Edition (1941)+CAV1990NTSCUSA 
40032 Private School (1983)P&S/ANA1983NTSCUSA 
4004-70 Day of the Dolphin, The (1973)P&S/ANA1982PALUnited Kingdom 
4004-80 Day of the Dolphin, The (1973)P&S/ANA1981NTSCUSA 
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