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Database found 264 titles on query:  15* Browse:  [1]  [2]  [3]  [4]  [5]  [6]  [7]  [8]    [MAX]
 Reference   Title                     Specs  Released   Video   Country 
15-861 ET/VideoLink Wet Seal March 1996: Reel #32NTSCUSA
15-863 ET/VideoLink Dance Hits: Number 5041NTSCUSA
15-876 Life at the Sea's Edge (1996)ANA/CAV1996NTSCUSA
15-877 Montgomery Wards Program August 1998NTSCUSA
15-908 ET/VideoLink Dance Hits: Number 5042 (1996)NTSCUSA
15-911 Pioneer Promotional Music Videos - The Box: Disc 211ANANTSCUSA
15-926 Montgomery Ward Program May 1996NTSCUSA
15-978 Pioneer Promotional Music Videos - The Box: Disc 214 (1996)ANA1996NTSCUSA
15-980 ET/VideoLink Dance Hits: Number 5043 (1996)NTSCUSA
15-987 Montgomery Ward Program June 1996NTSCUSA
15-??? Warner Bros. Retail Video Wall August '96 (1996)1996-08NTSCUSA
15-??? Warner Bros. Retail Video Wall June '95 RevisedNTSCUSA
150 Jeep/Eagle: 1989 Jeep/Eagle Competitive Comparison (1989)ANA/CAVNTSCUSA
15000 Batman Returns (1992)LBX/SRD/+CAV1992-10-21NTSCUSA 
15003 MacArthur (1977)P&S/SRD/+CAV1987-10NTSCUSA 
15005 Coal Miner's Daughter (1980)NTSCUSA 
15005 Coal Miner's Daughter (1980)+CAV1992-10-08NTSCUSA 
150150 Magic (1978)P&S/ANA1982NTSCUSA 
15016 Magic (1978)P&S/MONO1983NTSCUSA 
15016 Magic (1978)ANA1988NTSCUSA 
1501985 Lake Placid (1999)LBX/AC3CancelledNTSCUSA 
1502-80 Big Trouble in Little China (1986)P&S/SRD/ANA1987NTSCUSA 
1502-85 Big Trouble in Little China (1986)LBX/SRD1992NTSCUSA 
150250 Night Porter, The (1974)P&S/ANA1982NTSCUSA 
15026 Night Porter, The (1974)P&S/MONO1983NTSCUSA 
150274 Porcelain2008-011080pUSA 
150275 Deeper 2 (2006)2008-011080pUSA 
150291 Coming Home (2007)2008-01-291080pUSA 
1503-80 Fly, The (1986)1987NTSCUSA 
15038 Babylon 5 #1.4: Parliament of Dreams/Mind War (1993)SRD1999-02-09NTSCUSA 
1504-80 Aliens (1986)P&S/SRD1992NTSCUSA 
1504-80 Aliens (1986)P&S/SRD1987NTSCUSA 
1504-80 Aliens (1986)P&S/ANA1987NTSCUSA 
1504-85 Aliens: Special Widescreen Collector's Edition (1986)LBX/SRD/CAV/Uncut1991-12-18NTSCUSA 
15041 Contact: Special Edition (1997)LBX/AC31997-12-31NTSCUSA 
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