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#LDDB=41301   #IMDB=0960732

IMDb live rating 

Collection:20929th (10)   Ask:$49.95
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Added by melissab571 (1)  
Cover by admin (422)

Added on: 23/09/2006
Latest update: 02/04/2015
User updates processed: 2

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Billy Joel: From Leningrad USSR (1987) [88LP-113]

Country  Japan  
Released  ???
Publisher  CBS/SONY Records
Price  ???

UPC  ???
Category  Live Concert

Color  Color
Length  70 min.
Sides  2
Chapters  13
Size  12"
Picture  Video
Ratio  1.33:1
Plastic  Transparent
Cover  Standard
Rot status  None reported
Manufactured by  ???



 Sound Encoding  Digital Tracks  Analog Tracks 
  No data available 
 Spoken Language  Subtitles 
English No subtitle 

 Additional Information by melissab571 (1)     06/03/2011 

Track List:

  1. Angry Young Man
  2. Honesty
  3. Allentown
  4. Goodnight Saigon
  5. Big Man On Mulberry Street
  6. The Longest Time
  7. A Matter Of Trust
  8. Only The Good Die Young
  9. It's Still Rockn' Roll To Me
  10. Uptown Girl
  11. Big Shot
  12. Back In The U.S.S.R.