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#LDDB=31559   #IMDB=0158628

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Added by vtstampede (2)
Cover by vtstampede (2)

Added on: 04/11/2003
Latest update: 12/06/2020
User updates processed: 2

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Gall Force: Memorial Box (1997) [SRLD-1902~9]

ガルフォース ~メモリアルボックス~ (cover)

Country  Japan  
Released  28/03/1997
Publisher  Sony Music Entertainment
Price  38000 JPY

UPC  4988009190280UPC=4988009190280
Category  Anime

Color  Color
Length  328 min.
Sides  12
Chapters  13
Size  12"
Picture  Video
Ratio  1.33:1
Plastic  Transparent
Cover  Box Set
Rot status  None reported
Manufactured by  Pioneer Japan



 Sound Encoding  Digital Tracks  Analog Tracks 
 Spoken Language  Subtitles 
Japanese No subtitle 

 Mint Marks sample 
SRLD-1902-A01-P   0539D307
SRLD-1902-B01-P   0539D308
SRLD-1903-A02-P   0311D309
DD-5A-B61-P       4052D308
SRLD-1904-A01-P   0251D308
SRLD-1904-B01-P   1494D308
SRLD-1905-A01-P   1524D309
SRLD-1905-B03-P   0024D311
SRLD-1906-A02-P   0531D309
SRLD-1906-B01-P   0419D308
SRLD-1907-A01-P   0073D306
DD-5A-B57-P       4656D308
SRLD-1908-A02-P   0964D309
SRLD-1908-B01-P   0958D308

 Additional Information by ruinatokyo (10)   22/06/2018 

Includes box, full-color booklet, seven LDs in their own sleeves, and a record LP in an LD sleeve that also includes an insert.

 Additional Information by vtstampede (2)   12/06/2020 

Includes 16-page full color booklet. Gall Force -The Memorial Box- advertising flyer. 7 LD’s and 1 LP with its own full color insert.

Episode List:

  • Disc 1. Gall Force: Eternal Story (sides 1 & 2)
  • Disc 2. Gall Force: Eternal Story (side 3)
  • Disc 3. Gall Force 2: Destruction
  • Disc 4. Gall Force 3: Stardust War
  • Disc 5. Rhea Gall Force
  • Disc 6. Ten Little Gall Force
  • Disc 7. Gall Force: Special Prologue
  • Disc 8. Gall Force: Eternal Band (LP)