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Added by tkmedia
Cover by zhora and tpgb12 (13)

Added on: 19/02/2003
Latest update: 28/04/2014
User updates processed: 7

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Urusei Yatsura TV 1-10: Limited Edition (1981) [UYLD1-10]

Country  USA  
Released  1994
Publisher  AnimEigo
Price  500 USD

UPC  (none)
Category  Anime

Color  Color
Length  1000 min.
Sides  20
Chapters  130
Size  12"
Picture  Video
Ratio  1.33:1
Plastic  Transparent
Cover  Box Set
Rot status  None reported
Manufactured by  3M or IMATION



 Sound Encoding  Digital Tracks  Analog Tracks 
 Spoken Language  Subtitles 
(in picture)

 Mint Marks sample 

 Additional Information by tkmedia    19/02/2003 - Last update: 24/08/2005 

ref might not be correct, as AnimEigo refs normally start with a "A" it's based on the listing on my invoices, and what's listed on the disc labels.

Contains the first 10 volumes of Urusei Yatsura TV. I consider the quality better than the first 2 US DVD box sets, because of compression/motion artifacts in the DVD. This is the only Urusei Yatsura TV LD that was ever released in the U.S.A

This came is a giant plastic LD BOX (17.6"L x 14.6"w x 2.6"d) with binder clips that clapsed onto plastic LD disc holders. This plastic packaging is very easy to break and the disc hard to remove. Buyers wanted the release of traditional package(at a cost), it was considered but never happened.

 Additional Information by lons_vex (19)   24/08/2005 

Comes with 8 pages liner notes and a XL size t-shirt.

 Additional Information by zhora    16/07/2010 

Contains TV episodes 1-38 and the 1 Hour Special.

 Additional Information by tpgb12 (13)   28/04/2014 

When playing the discs, the opening and closing songs are left non-subtitled (The English lyrics are only available in the liner notes.) On my copy, at the end of Disc #7 (Side #2), there is a line that keeps rolling down the screen endlessly until the end of the side, but this is more likely to be a pressing defect, rather than Laser Rot.