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#LDDB=00989   #IMDB=0035015

IMDb live rating 

Collection:1861st (111)   Ask:$16.95
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Added by gardener_50
Cover by prospect60  

Added on: 09/10/2002
Latest update: 05/11/2023
User updates processed: 9

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Magnificent Ambersons, The: Special Edition #9 (1942) [CC1109L]

Country  USA    
Released  1989
Publisher  Criterion
Price  99.95 USD

UPC  715515000642UPC=715515000642ISBN=0931393302
I-S-B-N  0931393302
Collection  Criterion Collection
Category  Drama
Rating  Not rated

Color  Black & White
Length  88 min.
Sides  4
Chapters  35
Size  12"
Picture  Academy Ratio
Ratio  1.33:1
Plastic  Transparent
Cover  Gatefold
Rot status  Low probability [?]
Manufactured by  3M or IMATION



 Sound Encoding  Analog Left  Analog Right 
 Spoken Language  Subtitles 
English No subtitle 

 Mint Marks sample 
MADE BY 3M USA    6236C
MADE BY 3M USA    6237C
MADE BY 3M USA    6238B
MADE BY 3M USA    6239D

 Additional Information by gardener_50    11/11/2003 

Film was shortened from 131 minutes.

  • First Printing 1986
  • Second Printing 1989

 Additional Information by hofnervb    07/10/2007 

Special Features:

  • An 80-minute essay by film historian Robert Carringer analyzing the film in depth is included on the second audio track and can be listened to separately while watching the film.
  • Side Four contains an extensive collection of Supplementary Materials, including the complete and original shooting script of The Magnificent Ambersons, a Visual Essay by Robert Carringer, the Mercury Theatre radio version and excerpts from Pampered Youth, the lost 1925 silent film version.