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Added by n$a (290)
Cover by lonerangerface (17)

Added on: 16/09/2002
Latest update: 18/01/2023
User updates processed: 3

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Disney Cartoon Festival: vol.2 (1981) [SF078-0047]

アニメ・フェシティバル [II] (cover)

Country  Japan  
Released  26/05/1985
Publisher  Walt Disney Home Video
Price  ???

UPC  ???
Category  Animation

Color  Color
Length  74 min.
Sides  2
Chapters  10
Size  12"
Picture  Academy Ratio
Ratio  1.33:1
Plastic  Transparent
Cover  Standard
Rot status  None reported
Manufactured by  Pioneer Japan



 Analog Tracks 
 Spoken Language  Subtitles 
English No subtitle 

 Mint Marks sample 
SF078-0047-A01   4G143987
SF078-0047-B02   4G150972

 Additional Information by admin (422)   25/02/2004 


  • Mickey Down Under (1948) Internet Movie Database LaserDisc Database
  • The Big Wash (1948) Internet Movie Database LaserDisc Database
  • Cold Storage (1951) Internet Movie Database LaserDisc Database
  • Chip an' Dale (1947) Internet Movie Database LaserDisc Database
  • Pluto's Blue Note (1947) Internet Movie Database LaserDisc Database
  • Dragon Around (1954) Internet Movie Database LaserDisc Database
  • Hook, Lion and Sinker (1950) Internet Movie Database LaserDisc Database
  • Sea Scouts (1939) Internet Movie Database LaserDisc Database
  • Donald's Camera (1941) Internet Movie Database LaserDisc Database
  • Clock Cleaners (1937) Internet Movie Database LaserDisc Database

 Additional Information by lonerangerface (17)   18/01/2023 

Features trailers at the end for Cartoon Festival I and III, The Academy Award Review of Walt Disney Cartoons, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, and Dumbo.