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   Reference    Title / Year  Specs  Released  Video  Country  Rating
SF078-0074 Night of the Living Dead (1968)ANA/Uncut1985-07-21NTSCJapan7.8
SHLY-98 Night of the Living Dead (1968)+CAV/Uncut1997-08-21NTSCJapan7.8
MGLC-97094 Night Visitors (Area 51) (1996)1997-12-18NTSCJapan4.0
PILF-7045 Nightbreed (1990)SRD/Uncut1990NTSCJapan6.5
G98F2630 Nightmare City (City of the Walking Dead) (1980)LBX/ANA1987-07-25NTSCJapan5.6
SF073-1678 Nightmare on Elm Street 4, A: The Dream Master (1988)P&S/SRD1990NTSCJapan5.6
TKLR-50013 Nightmare on Elm Street 5, A: The Dream Child (1989)P&S/SRD/ANA/Uncut1990-12-01NTSCJapan5.0
TKLR-50066 Nightmare on Elm Street 6, A: Freddy's Dead - The Final Nightmare (1991)P&S/SRD/ANA1992-05-21NTSCJapan4.7
SF078-1061 Nightmares (1983)P&S/ANA1986NTSCJapan5.7
PILF-7391 Nightwatch (1997)LBX/AC31999-04-23NTSCJapan6.2
K88L-5038 Ninja III: The Domination (1984)ANA1986NTSCJapan5.4
PILF-2218 Nixon (1995)LBX/SRD1996-08-25NTSCJapan7.1
88LC-2001 Nothing Underneath (1985)LBX/ANA1987-06-21NTSCJapan5.8
PILF-2488 Officer and a Gentleman, An (1982)LBX1997-11-21NTSCJapan7.1
NJWL-13227 On Deadly Ground (1994)LBX/SRD1994NTSCJapan4.6
ASLF-5021 On the Air (1992)SRD1992-12-10NTSCJapan7.2
KILF-5063 Orca, the Killer Whale (1977)LBX1993-09-22NTSCJapan5.7
NJWL-13603 Outbreak (1995) LBX/SRD1995-10-21NTSCJapan6.6
JSLD-22397 Painted Desert (1993)LBX1994-07-08NTSCJapan7.7
EHL-1067 Parasite (1982)P&S/ANA1985-10-25NTSCJapan4.0
LSTD01042 Passion1992-11-25NTSCJapan
PCLP-00545 Paul Weller: Highlights and Hang-Ups (1994)1995-03-17NTSCJapan
PILF-1580 People Under the Stairs, The (1991)P&S/SRD1993NTSCJapan6.4
SM037-3424 Pete Townshend: Deep End - The Brixton England Concert: Music LD Select 100 (1985)1989-10-25NTSCJapan8.0
68PX-103 Phantasm II (1988)P&S/SRDNTSCJapan6.4
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