A thief once tried to take my HLD-X9 player
I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti
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Database found 22 titles on query:  0165052
 Reference   Title                     Specs  Released   Video   Country 
PILA-1120 New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The: All's Well That Ends Wishing Well (1989)Bilingual/CAV1992-03-25NTSCJapan 
WD088L-20044 New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The: Birds of a Feather (1988)ANA/Bilingual1989-05-25NTSCJapan 
PILA-1121 New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The: Paw and Order (1988)Bilingual/CAV1992-03-25NTSCJapan 
PILA-1167 New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The: Pooh Bear's Big Surprise (1989)Bilingual1993-09-17NTSCJapan 
PILA-1062 New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The: Pooh Oughta Be in Pictures (1988)Bilingual/CAV1991-05-25NTSCJapan 
WD088L-22048 New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The: The Great Honey Pot Robbery (1988)ANA/Bilingual1989-05-25NTSCJapan 
PILA-1168 New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The: The Great River Rescue (1989)Bilingual1993-09-17NTSCJapan 
PILA-1115 New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The: The Wishing Bear (1988)Bilingual/CAV1991-11-01NTSCJapan 
617 AS New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The: vol.1 Newfound Friends/The Great Honey Pot Robbery (1988)1989NTSCUSA 
1341 AS New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The: vol.2 The Wishing Bear/There's No Camp Like Home (1988)1992-03-19NTSCUSA 
1342 AS New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The: vol.3 Wind Some, Lose Some/All's Well That Ends Well1992-03-19NTSCUSA 
1348 AS New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The: vol.4 King of the Beasties/The Sky's the Limit1992-03-19NTSCUSA 
1349 AS New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The: vol.5 Everything's Coming Up Roses/Pooh to the Rescue1992-03-19NTSCUSA 
PILA-1152 New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The: Winnie the Pooh, and Christmas Too (1991)Bilingual1992-12-21NTSCJapan 
PILA-1311 Winnie the Pooh Learning: Helping Others (1994)Bilingual1995-04-21NTSCJapan 
2768 AS Winnie the Pooh Learning: vol.1 Making Friends/Sharing and Caring (1994)1994-05-11NTSCUSA 
3943 AS Winnie the Pooh Learning: vol.2 Helping Others/Growing Up (1995)1995-08-09NTSCUSA 
2592 AS Winnie the Pooh Playtime: vol.1 Cowboy Pooh/Detective Tigger1994-03-03NTSCUSA 
4144 AS Winnie the Pooh Playtime: vol.2 Pooh Party/Fun 'N Games (1988)1995-05-03NTSCUSA 
PILA-1296 Winnie the Pooh: Cowboy Pooh (1994)Bilingual1995-01-25NTSCJapan 
3944 AS Winnie the Pooh: Special Holiday Edition: Winnie the Pooh, and Christmas Too/Frankenpooh+CAV1995-10-04NTSCUSA 
PILA-1405 Winnie the Pooh: Un-Valentine's Day (1989)Bilingual/CAV1997-01-25NTSCJapan 
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