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Database found 18 titles on query:  The Doors:*
 Reference   Title                     Specs  Released   Video   Country 
ID6581HB The Doors: Live in Europe: The Music Disc (1968)1989NTSCUSA 
PIFF-1001 The Doors: Break On Through (1991)5"1991-06-10NTSCJapan
086 568-1 The Doors: Dance on Fire (1985)1993PALFrance 
PA-85-126 The Doors: Dance on Fire (1985)NTSCUSA 
PA-85-126 The Doors: Dance on Fire (1985)ANA1985NTSCUSA 
SM048-3277 The Doors: Dance on Fire - Greatest Hits: Digital SelectionNTSCJapan
SM058-0093 The Doors: Dance on Fire - Greatest HitsANA1985-08-26NTSCJapan
VHM58088 The Doors: Dance on Fire - Greatest HitsNTSCJapan
SHLM-2002 The Doors: Doors Are Open (1968)NTSCJapan 
SM045-3319 The Doors: In Europe (1968)1991NTSCJapan 
40592 The Doors: Live at the Hollywood Bowl '68 (1968)+CAV1987-12NTSCUSA 
PILF-1363 The Doors: Live at the Hollywood Bowl '68 (1968)1992NTSCJapan 
ID3772CA The Doors: Live in Europe (1968)NTSCUSA 
ID4303ER The Doors: Live in Europe (1968)1998-10-28NTSCUSA 
PILP-2017 The Doors: Live in Europe (1968)1994-07-25NTSCJapan 
PA-98-593 The Doors: The Doors are OpenCancelledNTSCUSA
41097 The Doors: The Soft Parade: A Retrospective (1991)1991-09-19NTSCUSA 
NJL-40254 The Doors: Tribute to Jim Morrison (1981)1992-01-25NTSCJapan
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