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Database found 103 titles on query:  VLD * Browse:  [1]  [2]  [3]    [MAX]
 Reference   Title                     Specs  Released   Video   Country 
VLD 1015 Absence of Malice (1981)P&S/ANA1983NTSCUSA 
VLD 1020 And Justice For All (1979)P&S/ANA1983NTSCUSA 
VLD 1025 Anderson Tapes, The (1971)P&S/ANA1983NTSCUSA 
VLD 1026 Angelo, My Love (1983)P&S/ANANTSCUSA 
VLD 1030 Annie (1982)P&S/ANA1983NTSCUSA 
VLD 11961 Total Recall (1990)P&S/SRDPALNetherlands 
VLD 12810 Addams Family, The (1991)P&S/SRD1992PALNetherlands 
VLD 12967 Commitments, The (1991)P&S/SRD1993PALNetherlands 
VLD 2008 Bite the Bullet (1975)P&S/ANA1985NTSCUSA 
VLD 2010 Bridge on the River Kwai, The (1957)P&S/ANA1981NTSCUSA 
VLD 2010 Bridge on the River Kwai, The (1957)P&S/ANA1983NTSCUSA 
VLD 2018 Big Chill, The (1983)P&S/ANA1983NTSCUSA 
VLD 2293 Boot, Das (The Boat) (1981)P&S/SRD/ANA1983NTSCUSA 
VLD 2293 Boot, Das (The Boat) (1981)SRD1992-10-15NTSCUSA 
VLD 2990 Blue Lagoon, The (1980)P&S/ANA1981NTSCUSA 
VLD 2990 Blue Lagoon, The (1980)P&S1993-02-11NTSCUSA 
VLD 2991 Blue Thunder (1983)P&S/ANA1992-11-12NTSCUSA 
VLD 3010 California Suite (1978)P&S/ANA1981NTSCUSA 
VLD 3011 Cactus Flower (1969)ANA1984NTSCUSA 
VLD 3040 Chapter Two (1979)P&S/ANA1981NTSCUSA 
VLD 3060 China Syndrome, The (1979)P&S/ANA1981NTSCUSA 
VLD 3065 Christine (1983)P&S/ANA1984NTSCUSA 
VLD 3095 Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)P&S/ANA1981NTSCUSA 
VLD 3095 Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)P&S/ANA1983NTSCUSA 
VLD 3095 Close Encounters of the Third Kind: Special Edition (1977)P&S1992-09-10NTSCUSA 
VLD 3100 Competition, The (1980)P&S/ANA1983NTSCUSA 
VLD 3108 In Cold Blood (1967)P&S/ANANTSCUSA 
VLD 3120 Deep, The (1977)P&S/ANA1983NTSCUSA 
VLD 3134 Dr. Strangelove (1964)P&S/ANANTSCUSA 
VLD 3134 Dr. Strangelove (1964)P&S/ANA1984NTSCUSA 
VLD 3140 Easy Rider (1969)P&S/ANA1983NTSCUSA 
VLD 3142 Educating Rita (1983)P&S1992-11-12NTSCUSA 
VLD 3146 Emmanuelle (1974)P&S/ANA1983NTSCUSA 
VLD 3149 Eyes of Laura Mars (1978)ANA1983NTSCUSA 
VLD 3152 Fail Safe (1964)P&S/ANA1983NTSCUSA 
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