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Database found 39 titles on query:  L06* Browse:  [1]  [2]    [MAX]
 Reference   Title                     Specs  Released   Video   Country 
L060-1137 Kohji Kikkawa: Hi-Vision Live World '88 (1988)1988-10-05NTSCJapan
L060-2036 Lovely View of the Archipelago 21988-08-28NTSCJapan
L060-2033 World of Sailing ships1988-08-05NTSCJapan
L060-2032 Lovely View of the Archipelago1988-07-24NTSCJapan
L060-2034 Italy: A Travelogue1988-06-25NTSCJapan
L060-2035 Italy: Travel Weariness1988-06-25NTSCJapan
L060-1117 Shijaku Katsura: Eigo Rakugo (1986)1988-06-05NTSCJapan
L060-2029 Beautiful Seasons of Japan vol.1: CastlesP&S1988-04-24NTSCJapan
L060-2030 Beautiful Seasons of Japan vol.2: Water Lands1988-04-24NTSCJapan
L060-2031 Beautiful Seasons of Japan vol.3: Festivals1988-04-24NTSCJapan
L060-2026 Le Cygne1988-03-25NTSCJapan
L060-2028 Setonai sanka1988-03-25NTSCJapan
L060-2025 NHK: Meikyoku Album 3 - Canon1988-02-25NTSCJapan
L060-2024 NHK: Meikyoku Album Tsuki No Hikari (Clair de Lune)1988-01-25NTSCJapan
L060-2023 NHK: Meikyoku Album 1 - Largo1987-12-25NTSCJapan
L068-5042 Bubblegum Crisis: vol.3 Blow UpCAV1987-12-05NTSCJapan 
L060-2015 Wind ripples: 4 Season of Tottori Dunes (1987)1987-10-05NTSCJapan
L060-2014 Noriki: Vision of the Heart (1987)ANA1987-09-05NTSCJapan
L068-5040 Bubblegum Crisis: vol.2 Born to Kill (1987)CAV1987-09-05NTSCJapan 
L060-1075 Pet Shop Boys: Television (1986)CAV1987-02-25NTSCJapan 
L060-7004 Heart: Heart (1986)8"1986-09-20NTSCJapan
L068-1052 Power Station Video, The (1986)CAV1986-06-04NTSCJapan 
L068-1040 Romantische Strasse, Die (1985)1986-01-22NTSCJapan
L068-1041 Otis Redding: Ready Steady Go! Special Edition (1966)ANA1986-01-22NTSCJapan 
L068-1036 Masako in Finland1985-12-21NTSCJapan
L068-1031 Diana Ross: The Visions of Diana Ross (1985)1985-10-24NTSCJapan 
L068-1020 Iron Maiden: Behind the Iron Curtain (1984)ANA1985-06-21NTSCJapan 
L060 Object of Beauty, The (1990)P&SNTSCHong Kong 
L060-2037 American Superpowers SlNTSCJapan
L061 Maid, The (Un amour de banquier) (1991) P&SNTSCHong Kong 
L062 Mystery Train (1989)LBXNTSCHong Kong 
L063 Shocker (1989)NTSCHong Kong
L064 Fourth War, The (1990)P&S/SRDNTSCHong Kong 
L065 Two Moon Junction (1988)P&SNTSCHong Kong 
L066 Madonna: In Bed with Madonna (1991)P&S/SRDNTSCHong Kong 
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