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Database found 171 titles on query:  EL * Browse:  [1]  [2]  [3]  [4]  [5]    [MAX]
 Reference   Title                     Specs  Released   Video   Country 
EL 001 Chinese Torture Chamber Story, A: Part I (1995)Bilingual1994-10-27NTSCHong Kong 
EL 002 Chinese Torture Chamber Story, A: Part II (1995)Bilingual1994-10-27NTSCHong Kong 
EL 003 All Mighty Gambler1994-10-27NTSCHong Kong
EL 004 Modern Romance1994-11-16NTSCHong Kong
EL 005 Daughter of Darkness 2 (1994)LBX/Bilingual1994-12-21NTSCHong Kong 
EL 006 Midnight Conjure1994-11-16NTSCHong Kong
EL 007 Let Me Look at the Bathroom1994-11-16NTSCHong Kong
EL 008 Most Wanted, The (1994)LBX/Bilingual1994-11-23NTSCHong Kong 
EL 009 Wetted Towel1994-11-23NTSCHong Kong
EL 010 Mainland Prostitute (1994)Bilingual1994-11-23NTSCHong Kong 
EL 011 Power of Money, The1994-12-21NTSCHong Kong
EL 012 Return to a Better Tomorrow: Part I1994-12-14NTSCHong Kong
EL 013 Return to a Better Tomorrow: Part II1994-12-14NTSCHong Kong
EL 014 No Regret About Youth1994-12-14NTSCHong Kong
EL 015 Mr. & Miss Saigon (1994)Bilingual1994-12-14NTSCHong Kong 
EL 016 Bodyguard from Beijing, The: Part 1 (1994)LBX/Bilingual1995-01-05NTSCHong Kong 
EL 017 Bodyguard from Beijing, The: Part 2 (1994)LBX/Bilingual1995-01-05NTSCHong Kong 
EL 018 Sexy Palace1995-01-05NTSCHong Kong
EL 019 Shy Spirit (1988)LBX1995-01-05NTSCHong Kong 
EL 020 Long and Winding Road, The: Part 1 (1994)LBX/Bilingual1995-01-17NTSCHong Kong 
EL 021 Long and Winding Road, The: Part 2 (1994)LBX/Bilingual1995-01-17NTSCHong Kong 
EL 024 Returning, The (Dang chuek lei wooi loi): Part I (1994)P&S/Bilingual1995-02-21NTSCHong Kong 
EL 025 Returning, The (Dang chuek lei wooi loi): Part II (1994)P&S/Bilingual1995-02-21NTSCHong Kong 
EL 026 Transparent's Person & Secret Prescition1995-02-21NTSCHong Kong
EL 027 Who's My Father?1995-02-21NTSCHong Kong
EL 028 Let's Go Slam Dunk1995-03-15NTSCHong Kong
EL 029 Chong Qing Negotiation1995-03-15NTSCHong Kong
EL 030 I Wanna Be Your Man: Part I1995-03-28NTSCHong Kong
EL 031 I Wanna Be Your Man: Part II1995-03-28NTSCHong Kong
EL 032 Onanie1995-03-28NTSCHong Kong
EL 033 Rouge, The (1994)Bilingual1995-03-28NTSCHong Kong
EL 034 From Beijing with Love: Part 1 (1994)LBX/BilingualNTSCHong Kong 
EL 034 From China with Love: Part 1 (1994)1995-04-11NTSCHong Kong 
EL 035 From Beijing with Love: Part 2 (1994)LBX/BilingualNTSCHong Kong 
EL 035 From China with Love: Part 2 (1997)1995-04-11NTSCHong Kong
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