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Database found 137 titles on query:  09* Browse:  [1]  [2]  [3]  [4]    [MAX]
 Reference   Title                     Specs  Released   Video   Country 
09-011 Pioneer Promotional Music Videos - The Box: Disc 127NTSCUSA
09-031 Pioneer Promotional Music Videos - The Box: Disc 230 (1996)1996NTSCUSA
09-052 ET/VideoLink Hot Hits: Number 1049NTSCUSA
09-062 Montgomery Wards Program December 1996NTSCUSA
09-071 Pioneer Promotional Music Videos - The Box: Disc 231 (1996)1996NTSCUSA
09-098 Pioneer Promotional Music Videos - The Box: Disc 233 (1996)1996NTSCUSA
09-103 Apollo Saturn V Center Disc#2NTSCUSA
09-104 Apollo Saturn V Center Disc#3NTSCUSA
09-115 Glamour Shots: Storefront Laser Disk 4th Qtr. 1996- 1st Qtr. 1997 (1996)ANA/CAV1996NTSCUSA
09-117 ET/VideoLink Hot Hits: Number 1050NTSCUSA
09-118 ET/VideoLink Dance Hits: Number 5050NTSCUSA
09-126 Pioneer Promotional Music Videos - Jukebox Network: Disc 234NTSCUSA
09-129 Montgomery Ward Program November 1997NTSCUSA
09-157 Pioneer Promotional Music Videos - The Box: Disc 6NTSCUSA
09-177 Video Demo Disc (1996)LBX/DTS1996NTSCUSA
09-182 ET/VideoLink Oldies Music Videos: 711 & 715NTSCUSA
09-220 ET/VideoLink Wet Seal February 1997: Reel #39NTSCUSA
09-232 Pioneer Promotional Music Videos - The Box: Disc 239 (1997)1997NTSCUSA
09-247 ET/VideoLink Country Hits: Number 6052NTSCUSA
09-251 Quarter Horse: Horse Race 1 (1982)NTSCUSA
09-255 Pioneer Promotional Music Videos - The Box: Disc 240 (1997)1997NTSCUSA
09-256 Lassen Art: Videowall #2 (1997)ANA/CAVNTSCUSA
09-271 Montgomery Ward Program March 1997NTSCUSA
09-287 Pioneer Promotional Music Videos - The Box: Disc 241ANANTSCUSA
09-303 ET/VideoLink Dance Hits: Number 5053NTSCUSA
09-312 Pioneer LD-V8000 Demonstration Videodisc (1988)ANANTSCUSA
09-375 Pioneer Promotional Music Videos - Jukebox Network: Disc 9NTSCUSA
09-388 ET/VideoLink Dance Hits: Number 5054NTSCUSA
09-389 ET/VideoLink Hot Hits: Number 1054NTSCUSA
09-391 ET/VideoLink Oldies Disco Pop Classics: 713 & 725NTSCUSA
09-394 DVD InfomercialANA/CAVNTSCUSA
09-401 Montgomery Ward Program May 1997NTSCUSA
09-415 Pioneer Promotional Music Videos - Jukebox Network: Disc 10NTSCUSA
09-425 ET/VideoLink Hot Hits: Number 1055ANANTSCUSA
09-426 ET/VideoLink Dance Hits: Number 5055NTSCUSA
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